I ran AND today it ends!



I don't even know how to start this message because it means I have to tell on myself. But here goes nothing. 

In 2021, I made the decision to leave teaching which is a whole nother story in itself and not the one we are hitting on today. When I left the classroom, I had no idea what to do with myself because all I knew was being a teacher. In my search to find something I could do while being home with my 10 month old daughter, I discovered virtual assistance. Now, I did not have the typical background to do virtual assistant work but because of transferable teacher skills I knew it was possible. 

For almost 2 years, I tried to make myself love the work I was doing as a virtual assistant. Now, don't get me wrong I LOVEDDDD being able to help my clients to take loads off of them and support them in sustaining a better business for them and the people they served. However, I was forcing myself to fall in love with something that didn't align with the desires of my heart. All I saw was $$$ and that is where I went wrong. But not only that, I would blatantly ignore the signs God was giving me. I was working to do everything except what God called me to do. 

I ran because of my fears and limiting mindsets. 

I ran because I did not want to put myself out there. 

I ran because I was scared to have conversations with people about values they are stuck like glue to and unwilling to change. 

I ran because I didn’t want to do the work. 

The biggest ouch was the harsh reality that I, ME, AALIYAH, is the reason I still feel “stuck” in situations and unable to move to the next level. It was never any of the excuses. To name a few, I’d say “My kids woke up too early”, “I had to tutor”, or “We were busy with church”. None of those excuses are valid anymore because in reality, I chose what I wanted and obviously I didn’t want it bad enough at the time to put in the work. 

Today it ends! I am no longer running. I will no longer be bound to my unwillingness to do the hard things that will set me apart. I am allowing God to work in me so that I may bring others closer to Him and what He is working to do in their lives. 

My lightbulb is shining REAL bright now! What moment did the lightbulb go off and you realized all along that you were the reason that you haven't gone to the next level? Share in the comments because we are not alone. 

No temptation has come upon you except what is common to humanity. But God is faithful; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 10:13 CSB